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Re: selbri as sumti
>I have tried to ask this question before, but never fruitfully.
>I find examples of things that behave like both selbri and sumti.
>I am too ignorant to know what is going on.
I'll try my hand at it...
>How can we say "I always do my shopping on the same day of the
how about:
mi vecnu ca ro lo pa jefydje
ta'o I don't understand why you used "ca ro me da" in your attempt rather
than "ca ro da".
>"I ate a strange kind of fish". What I ate was not strange.
>This seems to me to mean:
> (a) X is the category of subcategories of the category of fish
> (b) Ey X(y), strange(y)
> (c) Ez Y(z), I ate (z)
mi citka da .i da finpe de .i de cizra
mi citka le finpe be de poi cizra
or maybe
mi citka le finpe be lo cizra
I would think that
mi citka le cizra jutsi finpe
would also work, but it doesn't answer your question about subcategories.
>"Today I performed my quotidian activities":
> (a) X is a subcategory of the category of my activities
> (b) Quotidian(X)
> [Where if Quotidian(X) then Ad day(d) Ez X(z) & z happens
> on d]
> (c) Ey X(y) I performed y
mi ca le cabdei cu gasnu lei se gasnu be ca ro djedi
or maybe
mi ca le cabdei cu gasnu lei mi roldje selgau
mi cabdei gasnu lei mi roldje selgau
I have a feeling I've worded my way around your real concerns, though.
Chris Bogart \ / ftp://ftp.csn.org/cbogart/html/homepage.html
Quetzal Consulting \/ cbogart@quetzal.com