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Re: Questions

>From: Chris Bogart <cbogart%CSN.ORG@CUVMB.CC.COLUMBIA.EDU>
>>> .i fe'omi'e dilyn. trsTON.

>>You don't need to capitalize TON, because the o is the only vowel and
>>so it already has the stress anyway.

>Good point, but I'm glad he did it anyway.  I probably would have
>pronounced it as TRSton. if it had been spelled without capitals.

Is it really so?  The "r" is used vocalically here, and is unambiguously
so, since "trs" is not a valid consonant cluster.  Therefore the "r"
must be syllabic, and as such, according to the rule of da'amoi
terbansa, it would be TRSton. if not otherwise marked.
