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Re: Quantifiers (was Re: A modest proposal #2: verdicality)

> Even now, in the dark moment
> of despair, I see glimmers of light and rumors of change.  The {ke'a}
> proposal is gaining momentum

Jorge & I spent a long time discussing that.  I think I remain
unconvinced that it is a Good Thing, because I don't know how to rewrite
it into logical form.  I shall look on at developments.

> ("butters parsnips"?)

"Fine words butter no parsnips".

>  > My ambition is to look back in my dotage and tell my grandchildren
>  > "See that cmavo? It was me that got it into the language"
> Ah, foolish youth.  With age you will learn to hope instead to
> _remove_ cmavo from the language.

I like big vocabs.  I like English.  I agree with Jorge that lovely
cmavo are squandered on uses of which one would never wish to avail
oneself, while very useful cmavo languish with CVhV cmavo for which I
have an irrational but nonetheless implacable antipathy, but on the
other hand, Jorge has vowed not to learn the cmavo he disapproves of (a
resolution he will no doubt inadvertently fail to uphold), and many
learners will consciously or unconsciously follow his example.  It
certainly gives me an excuse for remembering so few.

>  > (One giant
>  > leap for man, one small step for mankind), and they'll look on me not
>  > with pity but with great awe and reverence, thereafter boasting to
>  > their peers, to general gasps of iacuhi and ianai, mingled with uhe.io,
>  > "Ti le bahe mibrorpatfu oha oha cu cmavo se fuzme".
> A wonderful rant.  You won't mind if I pick one nit, will you?
> {patfu} should not be used metaphorically for "author, creator".
> Perhaps {dzena} (ancestor, elder) or {rirni} (caregiver) would be
> appropriate in a metaphor.

I meant "my grandfather".  I can't find my copy of the jvoste, so had to
invent it.  Change the {rorpatfu} to whatever is standard for
