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Proposal: C-Glide-V

A proposal:

Lojban allows the following syllables (cmavo in UI):

.ua .ue .ui .uo .uu  [?wa ?we ?wi ?wo ?wu]
.ia .ie .ii .io .iu  [?ja ?je ?ji ?jo ?ju]

I would like to propose that the following syllables be
made available as cmavo:

bua  bue  bui  buo (buu)  [bwa  bwe  bwi  bwo (bwu)]
bia  bie (bii) bio  biu   [bja  bje (bji) bjo  bju ]
pua  pue  pui  puo (puu)  [pwa  pwe  pwi  pwo (pwu)]
pia  pue (pii) pio  piu   [pja  pje (pji) pjo  pju ]
dua  due  dui  duo (duu)  [dwa  dwe  dwi  dwo (dwu)]
tua  tue  tui  tuo (tuu)  [twa  twe  twi  two (twu)]
gua  gue  gui  guo (guu)  [gwa  gwe  gwi  gwo (gwu)]
kua  kue  kui  kuo (kuu)  [kwa  kwe  kwi  kwo (kwu)]
vua  vue  vui  vuo (vuu)  [vwa  vwe  vwi  vwo (vwu)]
via  vue (vii) vio  viu   [vja  vje (vji) vjo  vju ]
fua  fue  fui  fuo (fuu)  [fwa  fwe  fwi  fwo (fwu)]
fia  fue (fii) fio  fiu   [fja  fje (fji) fjo  fju ]
zua  zue  zui  zuo (zuu)  [zwa  zwe  zwi  zwo (zwu)]
sua  sue  sui  suo (suu)  [swa  swe  swi  swo (swu)]
jua  jue  jui  juo (juu)  [Zwa  Zwe  Zwi  Zwo (Zwu)]
cua  cue  cui  cuo (cuu)  [Swa  Swe  Swi  Swo (Swu)]
xua  xue  xui  xuo (xuu)  [xwa  xwe  xwi  xwo (xwu)]

Those in brackets, I don't actually think should be allowed,
but this is because I don't think {.uu} and {.ii} should be
allowed either.

This obviously involves a change in Lojban phonology, but
not a marked change.

The obvious advantage of this proposal is that it makes
available at least 68 new monosyllabic cmavo. As various
people have observed in the past, CV'V forms are generally
dispreferred by many users (cf. Lojbab's statistics on
patterns of rafsi choice in texts, for example).

I realize noone wants there to be 68 more cmavo, but over
time there may turn out to be a need to give certain cmavo
shorter forms. (E.g. monosyllabic alternatives to {du'u},
{lo'e}, {su'ore}, which I think are used less than they
ought to be, possibly partly because of their polysyllabicity.)
