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Re: quantifiers on sumti - late response

la .and. cusku di'e
> How does this work? Are {suo do} and {ro do} okay as sumti?

They are, indeed:  "at least one of you" and "all of you" respectively.
You can precede any sumti whatever with a quantifier.

To settle another minor crux:  after "da" and friends have been bound, a
further quantification is a local subselection, as with most other

        so'a da poi gerku cu se denci .ije so'i da batci
        Almost-all Xs which are-dogs have-teeth, and most-of them
                (i.e., most of the ones which have teeth) bite.

Here "so'a da" binds "da" to almost all dogs, and "so'i da" subselects
most (not literally a majority, but just vaguely "a lot") of those.  If
"da" is used again, it means "so'a da" not "so'i da".

John Cowan                                              cowan@ccil.org
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.