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Re: {farlu}
> Anybody agree with me?
I don't have much problem with the x2 and x3 of {farlu}, you can always
say {la alis cu farlu le cnita le gapru}. The one I don't like much is
the x4, which I have no idea how to fill. If ever needed, there is
{bai} for that, but I'm not even sure how to say "gravity". I thought
something with {lacpu}, but its x3 makes it really difficult.
In general, all the places like "in frame of reference", "by standard",
"under conditions", "in manner", etc. (which at least are usually in
the last position) seem really hard to use, and rather arbitrary. Why
does {xamgu} have a standard but {xlali} doesn't? Why does {xanka} have
"under conditions" but {gleki} doesn't? Why does {curmi} have "under
conditions" but not {gasnu}? Why does {cpedu} have "in manner" but
{dunda} doesn't?
All those places make learning gismu much harder than it should be. I
have no problem remembering the places of {dunda}, which are all clean
and to the point, the relationship between them clear. But {cpedu},
which could be the same, is much harder because there is that x4 with
some unclear relationship to the other three, and since I know that
there is something more to {cpedu} than I would expect, the whole
relationship becomes more blurry in my mind.
My hope is that all those places will simply be forgotten for lack of
use, since I doubt that I could convince Lojban Central to drop them.
> mu'o mi'e la dilyn.
> noi gleki lonu mi te cipra ca le cerni kei
> poi romoi leme lenu mi ve bancycu'e
i uidai zansnada
co'o mi'e xorxes