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Re: CONLANG: Introducing _The Babel Text_
> > 1A. Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
> > 1LB. i piro le munje cu se bangu pada gi'e selkau le ka tavla fo makau
> i piro le munje se bangu pa da
i xu do na nelci le tolmilxe dukse zirpu prosa
> > 2A. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled
> > there.
> > 2LB. i ca le nu litru fa'a le stuna kei lei remna cu penmi lo foldi
> > la cinar i co'a xabju fy
> i ca le jai fau sunkla be le remna goi koa ku koa loi pittumla cu penmi
> gie coa xabju
i ie zo pitytumla cu xagmau zo foldi i mi nelci lu i ca le nu sunkla kei
lei remna goi ko'a lo pitytumla cu penmi gi'e co'a xabju li'u
> > 3A. They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them
> > thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
> > 3LB. i ry simsku lu e'u mi'o loi kitybli cu zbasu gi'e mo'u seltokygau
> > li'u i ry pilno loi kitybli peseba'i loi rokci i loi tarla
> > peseba'i loi rokpu'o
> i koa voa cusku lu eu mio loi kitybli cu zbasu gie mou seltokgau liu
> i pilno ge nui loi kitybli se bahi loi rocki nuu gi nui loi tarla fi
> le terpli be loe rokpesxu nuu
I don't like termsets much, but besides that, I don't think {pilno loi
kitybli se ba'i loi rokci} is right. {loi rokci} are replaced by
{loi kitybli}, not by their use. You could say {pilno loi kitybli
se ba'i le nu pilno loi rokci}, but that's too much.
I should take this opportunity to ask again for an extension of the
grammar to allow BAIs as connectives. Then we could say {pilno loi kitybli
ba'ibo loi rokci}. I don't like using {pe} either, as I had to do.
I guess {rokpesxu} is better than {rokpu'o} too.
> > 4A. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower
> > that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for
> > ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."
> > 4LB. i ry cusku lu e'u mi'o zmadu lo tcadu e lo galdi'u poi le cpana be
> > ke'a cu lamji le tsani ija'ebo mi'o misno gi'enai pulce fi le terdi
> > sefta li'u
> i koa cusku lu eu mio sevahu ri zbasu lo tcadu e lo ri galdiu gie
> kupkla be le tsani tefie li duu nu mio misno gienai toljmaji fi ro
> terdi liu
i ko'a cusku lu e'u mi'o seva'u ri zbasu lo tcadu e lo ri galdi'u be fe'e
mo'u le tsani tefi'e le nu mi'o misno gi'enai toljmaji piro le terdi li'u
I think {toljmaji} should be "x1 is dispersed/scattered over x2 from x3".
This is consistent with keeping x2 as the destination and x3 as the origin,
I don't think {to'e} should reverse that.
> > 5A. But the Lord camedown to see the city and the tower that the men
> > were building.
> > 5LB. i ku'i le nolcei cu dzikla tezu'e le nu catlu le tcadu e le
> > galdi'u poi lei remna ke'a ca'o zmadu
> i kui lo pa Cevni cu nitkla fau lo mukti be lo dahi nu voa catlu le
> tcadu e le galdiu gie cao se zbasu be koa
Isn't {mu'i} better than {fau lo mukti}?
> > 6A. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they
> > have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be
> > impossible for them.
> > 6LB. i le nolcei cu cusku lu za'a lei remna noi se bangu pa da cu
> > ba'oco'a zmadu ti ija'o no selpla ba nalselka'e ry
> i lo pa Cevni cusku lo se duu ganai ge koa se bangu be pa da gi coa
> gasnu be ti gi no da fa koa ge te zukte gi na se kakne kei
I don't think lo pa Cevni is really saying this. Cy is asserting the
antecedent, and Cy is also making an inference, which {ganai... gi...}
doesn't do.
> > 7A. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not
> > understand each other."
> > 7LB. i ai mi dzikla gi'e fi'urgau le bangu ry ja'e le nu na simjmi li'u
> e lu ai mi nitkla gie rinka lo nu da koa ge cfipu gi bangu i jae bo
> koa voa na jimpe liu
There's the problem that lo se jimpe is something understood, not
someone understood. {simjmi} sort of avoids this problem by lujvo magic.
> > 8A. So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they
> > stopped building the city.
> > 8LB. i le nolcei fairgau ry piro le terdi i ry de'a zmadu le tcadu
> i se mui bo lo pa Cevni rinka lo nu toljmaji fi ro terdi i cou zbasu
> le tcadu
I think {piro terdi} or {piro le terdi}. I suppose you don't mean
"each earth", although technically it seems to come to the same thing.
> > 9A. That is why it was called Babel -- because there the Lord confused
> > the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered
> > them over the face of the whole earth.
> > 9LB. i ki'u la'e di'u ty se cmene zo babel i ki'u le nu bu'u ty le
> > nolcei pu fi'urgau le bangu be le munje i fe'eco'a ty le nolcei
> > fairgau ry le pirosi'e terdi sefta
> lae diu krinu le nu se cmene zo babel kei fa lo nu ro da poi munje zou
> pa Cevni cfipgau ro bangu be da i fe le stuzi gau lo pa Cevni cu
> toljmaji fi ro terdi
Same comment about toljmaji: fe <-> fi. Also {ro munje} and {ro terdi}
are not really the same as the whole world and the whole earth.
co'o mi'e xorxes