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CONLANG: Yet unuther simplufyd speling sistum.

Oh noh!  Heez trying too doo it ugen!  Thiss sistum of speling Ingglish
is baised on the cunventionul sistum, but has un underlying phohneemick
unalusiss.  Itss ment too loock lyck speling as don by u persun whoo
cant spel veree wel.

The sistum distinggwishes beetween fynul and non-fynul spelings of
certin phohneems.  In udition, thair ar certun cunventions that yu
just have too lern.

Heer ar exampuls uve the vowul phohneems:

non-fynul				fynul
old		new			old		new

cat		cat
set		set
sit		sit
pot		pot
cut		cut
caught		cawt			law		law
foot		foot
goon		goon			true		troo
farther		farther			far		far
father		fahther			ah		ah
sail		sail			say		say
seen		seen			see		see
sown		sohn			so		soh
news		nyuz			new		nyu
sight		syt			sigh		sy
house		houss			how		how
boil		boil			boy		boy
about		ubout			the		the
person		persun			sower		soher

Noht that thee "oo" that is IPA [u] and thee "oo" that is IPA [U] ar
not distinggwished, nohr ar "u" for [@] and "u" for [V].

The consununts "b", "d", "f", "h", "l", "m", "n", "p", "t", "w", "y"
(whitch is awlsoo u vowel) werk as yood ixpect.

	"ch" has the finul form "tch".
	"j" has the finul form "dje" (sylunt "e").
	"g" is ohnlee the stop.
	"c" is yuzd in historicul puzitions for "k" or "s".
	"x" is yuzd in historicul puzitions for "ks" or "gz".
	"k" has the finul form "ck".
	"th" repreezents both voiced und unvoiced phohneems, but
		is ritun "the" when fynul and voiced.
	"sh" is whut yood ixpect.
	"v" has the finul form "ve" (sylunt "e" ugen/ugain).
	"zh" is the voiced counterpart.
	"ng" is ritun three wais:  "fingger", "singer", "dainjer".
	"s" is ritun "ss" when fynul.
	"wh" repreezents unvoiced "w" eevun thoh not awl dyalects
		unvoice it.

The morphohlojicul endings "-s (-es)", "-ed", "-tion", "-sion" ar

Noht that the sistum reeflects a rotic dyalect:  "part", not "paht",
"gerl", not "gul".  Hohpfulee, non-rotic speekers wil bee aibul to
handul it as wel.

Whut doo yawl thingk?

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.