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>How is lalxu defined, lojbab?  I found myself asking why doesn't lalxu
>have a place for composition, like xamsi.  I guess if I lived near one,
>I'd say elliptically just {silnyla'u}.  I would like to be able to use
>it, besides the obvious meaning, also for puddles of oil, these salt
>pans, as well as for what happens in the upturned umbrella.  Or tell me
>how to say that otherwise.

I had to admit that I was stumped for a few moments.

The only reason we gave xamsi a material place was to allow use of the
word for "atmosphere".  This was after someone asked whether the liquid
layer for enough down in Jupiter's atmosphere would be considered a sea.

If we change lalxu, we also need to change rirxe, I suspect, though
"flecu" might also do.

But before doing that, I will respect Jorge poi prami loi cinla gismu by
looking elsewhere.  You pass the buck to me.  I defer to Jorge to argue
against (or for) adding places.  He likes to do so more than me.

A possible solution:  bliku.  It says a 3-dimensional form, and does NOT
say "solid". djacu bliku (I'll let someone else practice lujvo making)
covers puddles as well as the contents of inverted umbrellas.

Another:  by metaphorical extension of kabri (and baktu and tansi, in
which case "salt pan" can very well be "silna se tansi tumla" and I
wouldn't even call it malglico.  If you wanted a general solution:
djacu se vasru.

Of course, the place strutures were created long before anyone
considered a strong version of dikyjvo, and I would have no problem with
silnyla'u either (though I would use this for the Dead Sea or the Great
Salt Lake rather than for a salt pan.
