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Re: self-descriptions?

> > > Note too that I couldn't write and English or Serbocroat
> > > sentence of that length that would take you so long to puzzle out.
> > > This shows how limited our command of the language still is.
> > Of the sentence which is this being read by you to me you give a to
> > understand difficulty type of measure is in opinion of you what,
> > and say language of English command by you measure of how good is after
> > what was that which is first of all parts that are two of this sentence
> > by you reading which before this of parts before by me mentioned
> > reading by you was.
> > co'o mi'e. goran.
> Is your sentence really grammatical? I hesitate to say it isn't, because
> it's harder to verify English sentences' grammaticality than Lojban
> sentences'. But it looks pretty iffy. Let's do a fairer test, and take
> an English sentence of similar syntactic complexity:

.i de'u goi ko'a gerna ju'ocu'i gi'eku'i panra ju'osai le do jbojufra
goi ko'u semau le goi ko'i mupli pe do .i le stura be ko'a cu frica le
cnano gi'eku'i ka'e te jimpe .i ko'i mutce simsa ko'u .iku'i cu'u .i'e
la xorxes. loi cmavo be zo fa selsmu so'ida va'o piro loi gismu .ije lei
tcita valsi pe la gliban. smuni so'uda .i lenu viska zo fi na rinka le
nu djuno tu'a lo smuni le sumti .iku'i lenu viska zoi gy. from .gy.
ja'ago'i .i ji'a do cusku zoi gy. last year .gy. .i ri panra noda pe
ko'u .i lo cmavo be zo ca smuni pada va'o rode .iku'i lego'i na cmima

> > Lojban is even worse than Latin in that respect. In Latin, (I don't
> > really know any Latin, bit I suppose that) the cases at least give you
> > some idea of what to expect, you can start forming some relation among
> > the arguments from the start. With fi-fa-fus you can't do anything until
> > you know the selbri, and And had it as the very last word.
> (a) The only relatively unlojbanic order is V-initial (where V=selbri),
> which wd actually be my favoured order (& Mark's [Culsn]); it's
> disfavoured by the necessity of using {fa} for post-selbri x1.
> (b) Colin Fine has used V-final a lot. And he's much more responsible than
> I am.
> (c) V-final is quite common among languages. In Japanese, for instance,
> you get the equivalent of fa-fe-fi sumti in any order, plus final selbri.
> I'm amazed that Japanese people can manage to speak it, but speak it
> they do.

no'i mi na djuno fila ponban. no'i ku'i bau ro bangu poi mi djuno fi
ke'a ro tersumti tcita smuni so'uda .i da poi sumti pebau loi ropno mu'a
zo'u ri'a do zgana ledu'u da sumti fi le seldudra'a kei do djuno tu'a le
smuni da tedu'onai ji'a lo selbri no'iseni'ibo lenu lo selbri cu romoi
le jufra cu na sarcu .iku'i bau la lojban. rixire nibli lenu le selta'a
cu morji ro sumti pe le jufra sedu'onai ledu'u makau smuni vo'e .i
la'edi'u nandu pe'i ba'e mau lenu vu'ile tersumti pe le bridi lo cnano
cu tcefrica

co'o mi'e. goran. noi pacna lenu da tcidu di'u kei le narju'o be mi

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