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erros in text Re: `already' {lojban/English sentences}

Besides the error with ga'inai that you've already noted, I believe you have
quite a number of other errors - missing 'cu', '.i' etc. Yes what you've
got parses, but I think if you look at the parse it's not what you intended:

> 1.  When the police arrived, the butler had already cleaned the rug.
>   .i lo pulji se rinsa ba'o le zdase'u lo lolbo'o pu'i lumci
>   One or more police are greeted in the aftermath of what I designate
>   as the house type of servant can and has made clean the floor-sheet.
>   < I put the selbri last for dramatic effect.  >

(i {<[({lo <pulji [se rinsa]> KU} {ba'o <le zdase'u KU>}) (lo lolbo'o KU)]
 [(pu'i lumci) VAU]>

   "The police kind of greeted-arriver, in the aftermath of the butler,
      can and has washed the floor-sheet"

    .i lo pulji cu se rinsa ba'o le nu le zdase'u lo lolbo'o pu'i lumci
                ^^               ^^^^^
(I would prefer lolbu'u to lolbo'o, but that's a matter of taste)

> 2.  "What!", the Inspector said, "You have already destroyed the evidence!"
>   lu .ue .oi .a'onai .e'enaise'inai li'u
>   "Surprise, complaint, despair, incompetence attributed to other",
>   la'e di'u se bacru lo ralja'a
>   the last utterance was uttered by the principle leader.
 <[({<[lu ue oi a'o nai e'e nai se'i nai] FA'O
li'u> <la'e di'u LU'U>} {<se bacru> <[lo ralja'a KU] VAU>}) i (ri {cusku <
[(la'e di'e LU'U) (lu {do <[(ba'o pu'i) gasnu] VAU>} li'u)] VAU>})]

(Quoted text) is uttered by the referent of the last with-unspecified-
    sumti-place the chief

    lu li'o li'u .i la'e di'u se bacru lo ralja'a

>   .i ri cusku la'e di'e
>   He said the following utterance:
>   lu do ba'o pu'i gasnu lo nu
>   You are in the aftermath of can and has been an agentive cause of the event
>   loi velji'i datni se daspo li'u
>   the mass of that which really is grounds-for-opinion-type-of-data
>   is destroyed.

    He said the following to-audience "you have done the event the
    (subject-of-opinion data) kind-of destroyed thing..."

   .i ri cusku la'e di'e
   .i lu do ba'o pu'i gasnu lo nu loi xerji'i datni cu se daspo li'u
   ^^                                 ^^^           ^^

> 3. "But the others already came!" said the butler meekly.  "Weren't
>    they police?"
>   lu .i .ue ku'i lei drata prenu ba'o vitke li'u
>   Surprise, however, the mass of other people are in the aftermath of
>   la'e di'u se cusku le zdase'u ga'inai
>   the last utterance was said by the house-type of servant meekly.
>   lu .i xu lei drata cu pulji li'u
>   Is it true or false that the mass of others were police?

 [({lu <[i ue ku'i] [(lei {drata prenu} KU) ({ba'o vitke} VAU)]> li'u} {la'e
 di'u LU'U}) ({se cusku} {<[le (zdase'u ga'i nai) KU] [lu ({i xu} {<lei
drata KU> cu <pulji VAU>}) li'u]> VAU})]>})>

    (quoted string) is expressed by the-referent-of-the-last to the butler
    (humility) by-medium (quoted string)

    lu .i .ue ku'i ga'inai lei drata prenu ba'o vitke li'u
    .i la'e di'u se cusku le zdase'u
    .i lu .i xu lei drata cu pulji li'u

(making your change re ga'inai. I would also prefer 'zvati' to 'vitke',
and something like 'ja'opei' (or even je'unaipei) to xu)

| Colin Fine    33 Pemberton Drive, Bradford BD7 1RA  01274 733680        |
|                          colin@kindness.demon.co.uk                     |
| "There are no extraordinary people: There are only ordinary people doing|
|       extraordinary things with what they have been given" - K.B.Brown  |