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sera'aku le'ala'ezo PLI mezoigy. still gy.

cu'u la kris. tu'e .i lu<< mi pu'o viska ko'a >>li'u to'i fi toi mi stidi
to'i fe toi lenu mi bazi viska ko'a tu'u

.i ja'a mi ka'e ba viska ko'a .iku'i lenu mi ca'a ba viska ko'a cu na sarcu
[It is true that I will be able to see him, but the actuality of seeing him
is not necessary.]

cu'u la kris. tu'e .i ku'i zoigy. still gy. na stidi fi ledu'u xukau mi
ba ba'e *ze'e* viska ko'a tu'u

.iku'i ra stidi ledu'u mi ba'e nu'o pujeca viska kei .aledu'u mi ba'e ka'e ba
[But it suggests that up to now I could have, but didn't see him and that in
the future I could actually see him though not necessarily.]

cu'u la kris. tu'e .i .e'u lu<< mi za'o na viska ko'a >>li'u tu'u

.i .ienaisai .i mi fanva ri fuzoigy. It is false that I see him longer than
expected gy. .azoigy. I don't see him for too long gy.
[I disagree.  I would translate it as "It is false that I see him longer than
expected" or "I don't see him for too long".]

"za'o viska" is very difficult to render in English.  So let's change to cook.

.i mi jukpa lo rectu
I cook some meat.

.i mi za'o jukpa lo rectu
I over-cook some meat.

Not "I am still cooking some meat", but the event is running beyond its natural

.i mi ca'o jukpa lo rectu
I continue to cook some meat.
I am still cooking some meat.
I am already cooking some meat.

The cooking is on-going.  It may that the cooking has not finished yet as
expected or that it has commenced before expected.  The point is that the
cooking is happening at this point.  There is no implication that it is

.i mi pu'o jukpa lo rectu
I am not yet cooking some meat.

The cooking is not on-going.  In the future it may or may not start, but the
expectation is that it will, this is certainly implied by the English use of
"yet".  Like all future events one can only have expectation of what will