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Re: SNU: ki'e doi skot.
la goran. cusku di'e
> If you
> call {xrobau} another fu'ivla (albeit with intuitively grokked place
> structure) instead of lujvo, all is OK. And it does not even violate any
> rules. It is perfectly legal and in accordance with the prescription,
> which can't really be said about xorvo. So, I don't see why you ask...
> zo'onaizo'o
Not at all. Anything in lujvo form, whether the apparent rafsi are in fact
assigned to any gismu, cannot be a fu'ivla in the standard language.
There is an American witticism, usually attributed to President Lincoln:
"How many legs does a dog have, if you call its tail a leg? Four. Calling
a tail a leg doesn't make it one." This may be called the Realist school
of interpretive semantics. :-)
John Cowan cowan@ccil.org
e'osai ko sarji la lojban.