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Re: TECH QUERY: variant fu'ivla

la .djulian. cusku di'e

> Anyway, excuse my ignorance but what is a fu'ivla?   It's not a word-
> category I remember hearing about.

It's the preferred term for what we used to call "le'avla", on the grounds
that "le'avla" = "lebnyvalsi" and "lebna" signifies "taking away" rather
than just "taking", as if the source language no longer had the word!
So now "fu'ivla" = "fukpyvalsi" = "copy-word" (note that a copy need not
be a perfect replica of the original).

> Hmm!  Words like "ricrxacere" sound like what I thought were called
> le'avla, i.e. borrowed words, of which the paradigm example is
> "djarspageti" (tho' my favorites were the ones that appeared in the
> translations of some of Aesop's fables, "resprtestudo" and some word
> meaning "crab").
> Is this right?  And what are the <n : n >= 3> types of fu'ivla?

Type 1 = borrowed names
Type 2 = ad hoc borrowed brivla, possibly with morphological errors,
	flagged with prefix "za'e", the nonce-word marker.
Type 3 = brivla with gismu-based prefix, the kind most often used.
Type 4 = carefully borrowed brivla without prefix

At present, Type 2 fu'ivla aren't used, because making Type 3 ones is
just too easy, and no official Type 4 ones have been created, because
Type 4 is intended for fu'ivla that get into heavy use, and there has been
no heavy use of any fu'ivla.

John Cowan					cowan@ccil.org
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.