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Re: sera'aku SNU: ki'e doi skot.

I fully understand that Scots culture is no longer purely Gaelic, but I think
it is safe to say that the reason Scots culture differs from the southern
culture stems largely from its Celtic roots.  The point is that the
justification fro having a gismu "skoto" is increased by allowing it to
cover the Gaelic cultures and theie descendents.

(My impression from Ivan's writings, BTW, would make the "Mither Tongue"
nicely "skoto joi glico" - a mixture of English and Gaelic roots that
not the same as either language as a separate entity.)

I live in what is considered a "Southern" State, but my roots are northern,
and most immediately Californian, so I identify not the least with the
"old South".  Indeed, being the mogrel I am (with German, Russian, French,
Italian, and Palestinian Jewish roots within the last 4 generations), I
tend to take cultural identities perhaps not seriously enough, and hence
tended to choose pragmatically rather than emotionally in trying to assign
gismu and definitions for culture words.

This will of course make me susceptible to flames for cultural insensitivity,
but rather immune to the flames personally (though I hate to offend anyone;
it just seems that it is impossible to make any statements about cultures
without offending someone, so I claim only to "do my best")
