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Re: *old response on "moskvas"

On Sun, 11 Feb 1996 01:52:50 -0500 Logical Language Group said:
[re Moscow's Russian name and its possible lojbanisation]
>Thus the choice is presumably between "mazg,VAS." or "mask,FAS." and the
>former seems more true to the Russian pronunciation scheme than the latter.

Actually, neither is close.  That /v/ acts as a sonorant; it doesn't
envoice (is that a word?) preceding consonants.  Of course, it doesn't
get devoiced either; assimilation doesn't work in that direction.

The closest thing Lojban has to a sonorant /v/ is, I reckon, non-syllabic
/u/, so {mosKUA} (or {mysKUA} if you need to reflect the vowel reduction)
would be my entry.  (Though it doesn't beat {zoi rus. Moskva rus.".  :-))
