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Re: PLI: gismu for <lojrfuzi>

>.i mi na djuno .iku'i ba'anai lo kantu na ka'e se fendi
>.i mi selsau lo'e kantu be lo'e nejni .e lo'e kantu be lo'e datni .e lo'e
>kantu be lo'e canlu joi temci .e nope'ida poi drata
>(I dunno, but I, like, remember quantum units to be indivisible.
>I know about quantum units of energy, data, and space/time, and
>no other, I think.)

Agreed, but for example, in Guttman scales, if I understand them, one is
agreeing on a fixed and specific number of indivisible subcategories to
divide the possibilities into, and something falls into exactly one of
the categories.  Then you get ordered sets of categories in another scale,
but they are still indivisiable.  And then in the extreme you get continuous
scales, which have an infinite number of indivisible subcategoriues.

And I of course am talking like I actually know something, which I do not %^)
