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Re: sera'aku GEN: almost-PROPOSAL: intervals

>> and I want to say
>> "It is 10 m from here". I'd say "ko'a zvati [fe'e]xe'i lo mitre be li
>> pano" (I still don't know if fe'e is necessary, but no other tense works
>> both spatially and temporally, so I'm putting it in just in case).
>> xorxes would use {va lo mitre...},
>"ko'a valo mitre beli pano zvati" is right on the money.  Whether the grammar
>was constructed with this in mind or not, I understand it exactly and it is
>what I would use.

You need a terminator there - you have a mitre ... zvati inside the va-tagged
space, hence have stated 2 sumti without a selbri.

This construct works, but not usiversally, since it is dependent on assuming
that an interval for the tagged sumti is interpreted differently in semantics
than any other sumti value.  But the alternate interpretation, though less
likely, is viable in some contexts:

"ko'a valo mitre beli pano cu zvati
x, a bit away from some 10 meter interval, is located.
X is staying away from the 10 meter limit.
