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Re: sera'aku GEN: almost-PROPOSAL: intervals

la lojbab cusku di'e

> Date:         Thu, 15 Feb 1996 05:43:53 -0500
> From: Logical Language Group <lojbab@ACCESS.DIGEX.NET>
> Subject:      Re: sera'aku GEN: almost-PROPOSAL: intervals

> But seeing this example does cause something to click in my mind, that
> generalizes the problem.  I do not yet have a solution.  But what we seem
> to be facing is a situation where we want a sumti tcita to attach to, not one,
> but 2 sumti, each with a somewhat different relationship to the seubordinate
> bridi implied by the tcita.  We already HAVE a parallle problem that is
> much clearer:  what if you want to attach a 2nd sumti onto the implied
> relationship of a BAI tcita.
> I would be interested in grammar and cmavo proposals that address this type of
> multiple sumti linking, and I would rather see a new cmavo used for the link
> than overloading an existing one, unless you can clearly establish that the
> grammatical and semantic role is identical.  I am NOT sure that relative
> are a model for this becuase they suggest that one of the sumti being attached
> to the tag is subordinate to the other, which is not the general case.
> Veijo has done an admirable job of turning ideas into concrete YACC proposals,
> even when he is not sure he favors the proposal.  I commend these efforts,
> and would like to know in particular what he can do with this idea.


   Here is a very general solution which passes YACC and thus shows
   that almost anything goes because, if BO works as glue, then any
   odd new cmavo will work.

  modifier_82             :  mod_head_490  gap_450
C                         |  mod_head_490  linked_sumti_84

+ linked_sumti_84         :  sumti_90
+                         |  linked_sumti_84 BO_508 sumti_90
+                         ;


  co'o mi'e veion

.i mi du la'o sy. Veijo Vilva sy.