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Re: Accents for apostrophes?

On Mon, 19 Feb 1996 07:01:47 +0000 ucleaar said:
>> For your example sentence, {.itu'e ro ma'arbi'i ba galtu} we could write:
>>        {.itu=E9 ro ma=E1rbi=ED ba galtu}
>I'm all in favour of experimentation, but this suggestion
>even I find a bit too baroque. It looks almost Irish.

I'd say it looks La'adan-like ... or rather I imagine it does on a screen
capable of displaying it as intended.  I see it as `.itu=E9 ro ma=E1rbi=ED
...', and the odds of my ever trying to figure what something of that kind
stands for are vanishingly low.  Then again, given the volume of the List,
I have to skip most messages without reading anyway.
