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Re: Cognitive distortions into Lojban

     .... cognitive distortions ....

    Dichotomous Thinking
    Selective Abstractioon
    Disqualifying the Positive
    Prejudicial Reasoning
    Hyperbolic Distortion
    Emotional Reasoning
    Obligatory Thinking

I would very much appreciate your translating some of these concepts
into Lojban utterances, using *only* cmavo and gismu.  The utterances
should be sufficiently long so that they make the concept clear.  Then
post the utterances without an English translation (or with a
translation 48 lines down).

The challenge is whether we readers can figure a reasonable English
meaning for what are jargon terms.

(Also, translate `using *only* cmavo and gismu' without using
{po'o}, but using pc's suggestion ... :-)

    Robert J. Chassell               bob@gnu.ai.mit.edu
    25 Rattlesnake Mountain Road     bob@rattlesnake.com
    Stockbridge, MA 01262-0693 USA   (413) 298-4725