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Re: David Brin short story

In message <848339613.1024987.0@cunyvm.cuny.edu> bob@GNU.AI.MIT.EDU writes:
>   mi            I/we the speaker(s)/author(s)
>   viska         see/perceive visually        <no tense specified>
>     le          the thing(s)/entity(ies) described as
>       nu        the state/process/achievement/activity of
>       so'o      several
>       te barja  patrons of the bar
>   cu            <separates preceding from following, so not seen as compound>
>   suksa         suddenly/sharply/abruptly/discontinuously
>   cliva         leave/go away/depart
> Also, the translation says that what
> leaves the bar is the entity that is a process or activity of several
> customers rather than the customers themselves, thus emphasizing those
> customers as a coherence rather than as individuals.

I suspect from your indentation and comment that you may have
misparsed this.  It's {le nu (so'o te barja cu suksa cliva)}
which {mi viska}.
Iain Alexander                    ia@stryx.demon.co.uk