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Re: cmavo list question

>The copy of the cmavo liste I got off /pub/accesss/lojbab/wordlist
>doesn't match what you just said:
>>The cmavo list (which may not
>>match the refgram but I hope so) has
>>fa'a  in the same direction as some point
>>to'o  in the opposite direction from some point
>>zo'i  nearer to some point than X
>>ze'o  farther from some point than X
>According to my cmaste, which I downloaded this evening:
>fa'a  arriving at/directly towards
>to'o  departing from/directly away from
>zo'i  nearer than .../inward/approaching from...
>ze'o  beyond/outward/receding from...

I think those match.
thinking location, which rules  out the arriving/dpearting/approaching/
receding definitions,
directly towards = in the same direction as
directly away from = ion the opposite direction of
zo'i nearer to = "nearer than" since nearer has an implicit comparison to
   another point.
ze'o farther from = beyond
Also the keywords "inward" implies "closer to in direct line of sight"
and outwards implies farther from looking directly away.

The cmavo list on the ftp site is probably the same one that I have here.
We need to add lines for a couple of cmavo thatr were added in the last
big debate a year ago, but I think there are no other changes.

I will be trying to work on a new upload of the gismu and cmavo lists, but
publishing the refgrammar is higheest priority right now.
