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Author's Alteration #10

The following Author's Alteration (the change is
semantic, and therefore cannot be called a Typo
Correction) has been agreed on by lojbab, Nora, and me.
(I'll be consulting pc today; we expect that he
will agree as well.)

The issue is whether the gismu list or the reference
grammar is to be preferred in the x1 argument of
"jetnu" and "jitfa".  The gismu list states that
x1 is a "du'u" --- a proposition, or sentence
meaning --- as opposed to a "se du'u" --- a sentence.
The cmavo of the di'u-series in selma'o KOhA refer to
sentences, not propositions: a prefixed "la'e" must
be used to refer to the proposition.  Two examples
in Chapter 7 violate this rule.

Technically, the book is baselined and the gismu list
place structures are not, so the strictly conformant
thing to do is to change the gismu list to make it
sentences rather than propositions.  However, the
Ad Hoc Committee mentioned above agrees that this
would be the Wrong Thing, so we are changing the book
as specified by the following plaintext diff:

<               .i di'u jitfa
>               .i di'u jitfa jufra

<               The-previous-utterance is-false.
>               The-previous-utterance is-a-false sentence..

< 4.4)  dei jetnu
<       This-utterance is-true.
> 4.4)  dei jetnu jufra
>       This-utterance is-a-true sentence.

< 4.5)  do'i jetnu
<       Some-utterance is-true.
> 4.5)  do'i jetnu jufra
>       Some-utterance is-a-true sentence.

A revised version of chap7.html has been uploaded,
and the hrefgram.zip has been updated.

John Cowan                                              cowan@ccil.org
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban