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Re: Problems with Abstraction

> The short answer on your abstraction comments is to look up the discussion
> of ce'u (lambda) in chap 16 of the refgrammar.  In general, ka and ni are
> indeed supposed to be working on the whole bridi.  If talking about the
> relationship between one place and the rest of the places, then you use
> ce'u in that one place.  At least this is what I THINK ce'u does %^).

The refgram makes sense and is reasonably clear on this point, but I
do see {ka} and {ni} used (by myself, too) as if there were a semi-
implied {ce'u} or {makau} in the first omitted place.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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