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Re: forward from Greg Higley

>  >I would argue that NO ONE is using {ka} (or {ni}) in this way.
> If you mean without an at least implicit ce'u, I agree.
> {ka} doesn't make sense without it.
> >It is
> >being used not as if it abstracted the bridi as a whole (which I would
> >argue is almost totally useless), but as if it abstracted the
> >relationship between the 'physically' first sumti and the selbri.
> Right. The default place for {ce'u} is the first open slot.

I wouldn't say "default"; the refgram neither states nor implies that.
Perhaps "is likely to be interpreted/emphasized that way".

And while I agree that naked {ka broda} doesn't mean much without a
{ce'u} or other sumti around, we can't imply the existence of a ce'u
because other sumti might be meaningful.  From the examples, {le ka
do xunre} is the property of your being red, but not necessarily any
particular instance {nu} of it at any particular time or place, so
there's no {ce'u} there anywhere.  Similarly with {ni}; if sumti are
filled in, one cannot assume a {ce'u} anywhere.  But with them empty,
one will probably be implied at first position, but not by any rule.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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