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Re: forward from Greg Higley

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

> From the examples, {le ka
> do xunre} is the property of your being red, but not necessarily any
> particular instance {nu} of it at any particular time or place, so
> there's no {ce'u} there anywhere.

True.  But I suggest (see below) that the wording "proposition that
you are red" is better English, and that using "du'u" rather than
"ka" in that case is more perspicuous Lojban.


> You can't have a {ka} without an explicit or implicit {ce'u}.
> What would it mean, other than {nu}? If you don't agree that
> a property must always be a property _of_ something, how
> do you say "property" in Lojban?

I think that a zero-adic intension ("ka" with no "ce'u" explicit
or implicit) is a "du'u".  The word "property" is too limited
to capture the full meaning of "le ka ...", which means
"proposition" when zero-adic, "property" when monadic, and
"relation" when dy-or-more-adic.

The main use of "du'u" is
to make it clear that no "ce'u" is present, and also to add
the convenience x2 place (le se du'u = lu'e le du'u).

> Right. The default place for {ce'u} is the first open slot.

Probably usually.  It's not a rule.

> > Most
> > lojbanists would use {ka ckule} and {ka se ckule} in very different
> > ways.  But again, the rules say that they are the same -- otherwise
> > we are 'favoring' the first sumti over the others.
> >
>  Yes, in a sense we are.

The rules say that both "ka ckule" and "ka se ckule" are incomplete,
because they have ellipsized places.  These places must be filled in
by extra-grammatical conventions.

John Cowan      http://www.ccil.org/~cowan              cowan@ccil.org
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban