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abstractor place structures

I think I need to put up the place structures of the various defining gismu
for the abstractors so we are clear why they attribute to particular places of
those gismu.

>ckaji         kai  quality                                   x1 has/is
>characterized by property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka)

x2 is pretty much the definition of "ka".

>fasnu         fau  event                'happen'             x1 (event) is an
>event that happens/occurs/takes place

x1 defines "nu"

>klani         lai  quantity                                  x1 is a quantity
>quantified/measured/enumerated by x2 (quantifier) on scale x3 (si'o

x1 defines "ni"

>lifri lif fri      experience           'life'               x1
>[person/passive/state] undergoes/experiences x2 (event/experience)

x2 defines "li'i"

>sidbo sib     si'o idea                                      x1 (idea
>abstract) is an idea/concept/thought about x2 (object/abstract) by thinker x

x1 defines "si'o"

>                lei va mlatu cu klani li paci le ka kancu
>                Those cats are in quantity 13 as counted.

Why not just use kancu as the selbri?

>                le rismu poi mi te vecni cu klani li ci le ka ki'ogra
>                The rice that I bought amounts to 3 in kilograms.
>                le rismu poi mi te vecni cu klani li repivoso le ka rupnu
>                The rice that I bought amounts to 2.49 in pesos.

You could use merli for both of these.

>But when we need to create a new measure word, we have to
>base it on {klani}. For example:
>               le sakta cu klani li ci le ka se kabri
>               The sugar amounts to three in being cupped.

le sakta cu se merli li ci le se kabri ckilu
The sugar is measured to be 3 on the be-cupped scale.

>I don't know what gismu we would use to form new measure words
>if a klani is not a concrete object. If klani

ckilu, gradu, merli were intended for these purposes.

>One factor you haven't considered is that if we settle on the unraised
>meaning the gi'uste will need some cleaning up.

The gismu listy is baselined, and you will note in the refgrammar that the
gismu list actually overrides the refgrammar in case of conflict.  We don't
"clean it up" unless the gismu list is unlcear or self-conflicting.  (For
example, I am sure x2 of merli is not a ni or a li - I tended to be explicit
for these, but "quantity" is ambiguous tp spme people vs "quantifier", and
perhaps "quantity abstraction".

lojbab                                                lojbab@access.digex.net
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
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