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Re: terminators and bilingualism

> As for postpositional languages, I'm not sure
> whether a postposition counts as a terminator or not.  It certainly would
> if it marked, say, the end of a relative clause, but I'm not so sure about
> simple case markers.  A language which used pre- and post-positions at the
> same time would certainly qualify, though.

A circumposition would count, I think. What I have in mind is
where you have the first half of the circumposition, followed
by a ***phrase*** (not just a single word), followed by the
second half of the circumposition. Do such things exist?

> The problem is that as far as I
> can see, whenever a language has a grammatical word before and after a
> phrase, one of the pair is nearly always elidable.

What are examples of this?
