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Re: Book Ad Banner

> From:          "Lee Daniel Crocker (none)" <lcrocker@MERCURY.COLOSSUS.NET>

> I'd like to produce some Web banner ads for the Lojban book,
> but they really ought to have a picture of it.  I can create
> a phony picture if I had the cover art (say in PostScript or
> something similar).  I'd be happy to give the ads to the
> group to use however they'd like (I'm only going to put one
> on my site, but I assume Cowan or LLG may want to do more).
> Does anyone have such cover art, or should I wait for the
> real thing and just take a picture?

I think LLG once nominated the Necker cube as its emblem.
I've seen this used only in one place: as a Lojban "flag"
on Nick Nicholas's home page.

[I realize you mean "banner" in a different sense.]
