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Clip art project

Now that the book is out, here's another project I think
might be useful and easy for many to collaborate on:
collecting a set of clip-art pictures of Lojban vocabulary
for use in educational materials (like flashcards or the
software equivalent, or illustrating other texts).

There is no shortage of free clip-art collections on the
Web, but there is still a lot of work in doing this job
(which is thankfully very parallelizable): one, the group
must collect the art, verify its source and that it can
be used freely, and associate the appropriate Lojban
selbri with each image (both gismu and lujvo, and maybe
other descriptions).  The art and annotations must be
collected in one place and indexed, the images converted
to a uniform size, resolution, and color (probably most
useful would be black-and white drawings, and it's not
hard to convert color drawings to black-and-white).

I can do most of that; i.e., I have the equipment, the
software, and connectivity to collect, convert, scale,
and index a few thousand images and make it available to
the Web.  But it would take a much larger group to do the
collecting and describing.  We could split up the job
alphabetically, or by image source, or some other way.
There should probably be some overlap so that we can get
more than one image for most words.  Getting the images
to the collector could be done either with email or FTP.
Some way of associating each image with the Lojban
descriptions must be done (by naming convention or
something similar).

Anything I'm missing?

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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