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Re: singular/plural (was: Re: veridicality in English)

la and la lojbab na'e darno le ka tugni
>It looks like we're not far from agreeing.
>We agree that {le pa} and {lei} are scope-insensitive.


>{pa lo} and {loi} are not sensitive to scope relative to other
>existential quantifiers (I think),

{[su'o] lo} and {[pisu'o] loi} are not sensitive to scope relative
to other existentials. But {pa lo} is a different story:

     lo prenu cu prami pa lo prenu
     There is at least one person that loves exactly one person.

    pa lo prenu cu se prami lo prenu
    There is exactly one person that is loved by at least one person.

co'o mi'e xorxes