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Re: What the *%$@ does "nu" mean?

cu'u la lojbab

>mi ba'e zgana lo ka datka sovda
>I can't necessarily see ka broda, but I may be able to observe ka broda.

Well, at least we agree that lo ka broda is not something visible.
{zgana} is strange in that it has an x3 for the means. All the English
glosses have the eye (or sight) as the means: observe, watch,
behold. Can {zgana} be used with other senses. For example, can
it mean "listen" or "taste" or "sniff"? Shouldn't those be added as
glosses if it can be so used?

Which sense do you use to zgana lo ka broda?

>Indeed if I can sisku lo ka, I had better be able to facki lo ka %^)

You can facki lo du'u, find out that x2 is true about x3. I suppose that
there's not much harm in using a ka there since there is a place
for the ckaji as well, and du'u is a special case of ka. "x1 finds out
that property x2 holds for x3". I have more problems with sisku lo ka,
because sisku has no place for the ckaji.

But sisku and facki have different place structures. {facki} means
"x1 finds out that x2 is true about x3". {sisku} does not mean "x1
investigates whether x2 is true about x3".

co'o mi'e xorxes