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Re: What the *%$@ does "nu" mean?

>> >What are the truth conditions on {da du`u/nu broda} and
>> >{da na du`u/nu broda}?
>> {da du'u broda} is trivially true, for any broda. It is like
>> saying {da namcu}.
>Good. And likewise {da na du`u broda} is trivially false.
>> {da nu broda} requires a context to evaluate.
>You and I think this but John doesn't.

Since I can instantiate "da" in all of these cases, I have a prob
lem with

le du'u broda cu su'u broda
lenu broda cu nu broda
le namcu cu namcu  also li ci cu namcu

Now I can agree that
, with the exception of  the latter example, the
instantiatin is tautological, and that if tautologies could make a predication
ture, no predication would be false.  But since I see meaningfulness to
"da namcu" in terms of its instantiation  (and indeed mathematics requires
it to have meaning since
"Let X be a number" requires da namcu.


lojbab                                                lojbab@access.digex.net
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
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