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Re: dacti
cu'u la kris
>I'm dubious: for one thing, "nu" doesn't seem quite like an English
>event; {le nu li ci cu zmadu li re} seems like possibly good lojban but
>not an "event", and I can't think how much space or time it might
It's grammatical Lojban, but not very meaningful. How would you
use it? {i pe'i noda nu li vo sumji li re li re} = "There is no such thing
as an event of two plus two being four."
>Even with more concrete events that could still be a problem: with {lenu =
>mi ciksi da poi mi pu gasnu}, "The event of: I explain what I did", the =
>event could be said to last an indefinite period of time and take up an =
>indefinite amount of space -- suppose what I did was historically =
>critical, and the {terciksi} are a classroom full of students watching a =
>video, 5000 years in the future on planet 100 light years away.
Yes, but I never said anything about well defined boundaries. In fact,
I never even said that events are dacti. All I said was that events that
actually happen endure in space-time. If that's the only property that
a dacti must have, then events are dacti, if there are more restrictions,
then they may not be.
i xu ta'o le munje cu dacti
Is the universe a dacti, by the way?
co'o mi'e xorxes