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Re: Subject: Re: GLI Re: What the *%$@ does "nu" mean?

> >and he has said that he doesn't undestand why some of [the gismu]
> >are there and doesn't intend to use them
> Are you remembering correctly? I certainly said that about some place
> structures. I don't recall saying it about gismu, but I wouldn't swear that
> I didn't. Do you remember any specific gismu that I intended not to use?
> For example, I find very eccentric the x3 places of {tirxu} and {lanme},
> and I certainly will avoid using those palces, but not those gismu.

After our discussion of measurements, I'm quite convinced that {junta}
is a mistake and shouldn't be used.  I don't know of any others I'd
skip entirely, but I wouldn't be surprized to find one or two.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html>
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