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Re: perversity squared

>I'd say, if the gismu place structures are to be set by usage, then we =
>could assume that if something should be a place, it'll become a place, =
>and if something gets added a lot with BAI, it should stay that way.

I generally agree with you, but recognize that it is plausible that people
might feel rule-bound enough not to drop the BAI until it is sanctioned
by some reference.  It would take serious analysis and maybe asking a few
people why they  used teh BAI all the time before one could conclude
that indeed people have found a place metaphysically necessary to the
concept that was not originally there.

The standard will undoubtyedly be far higher for concluding that a place can be
 dropped, since many oblique places will be filled in rarely even when they are
meaningful because they are evident form the context.
