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BAI selma'o

Members of BAI selma'o with associated gismu

11 June 1991,  typed in by R. J. Chassell

Based on:
8/15/90 non-baselined Lojban cmavo list, with corrections to Spring 1991  and
8/9/88 Baselined Gismu List Public Domain

ba'i                                replaced by
seba'i                              instead of
basti  bas          replace         replace/substitute for...   'substitute'

bai                                 compelled by
sebai                               compelling (forcing result)
bapli  bap     bai  force           force/compel...to do/be...by... 'compel'

bau                                 in language
sebau                               in language of (speakers)
bangu  ban     bau  language        language of people(s)...

be'i                                sent by
sebe'i                              transmitting (message/cargo)
tebe'i                              transmit origin (source)     [wrong??]
vebe'i                              receiver [se and te places reversed??]
xebe'i                              transmitted via (medium)
benji  bej     bei  transfer        transfer...to...from...via...     'send'

ca'i                                by authority of
seca'i                              with authority over
catni          ca'i authority       authority/official in/on/over...

cau                                 lacked by
secau                               without (lacking)
claxu  cax     cau  without         be without.../be...less           'lack'

ci'a                                written by
seci'a                              in written form
ciska          ci'a write           write/inscribe...on...with...   'scribe'

ci'e                                in system
seci'e                              as a system of
ciste          ci'e system          system of function...and components...

ci'o                                emotionally felt by
seci'o                              emoting (shows attitute)
cinmo          ci'o emotion         feel emotion...about...

ci'u                                on the scale
seci'u                              on scale measuring
ckilu      cki      scale           scale measuring...

cu'u                                as said by source (attribution)
secu'u                              expressing (saying)
vecu'u                              in expression media
cusku  cus sku      express         express/say...to...in form/media...

de'i                                dated (for letters)
sede't                              on the same date as (for letters)
detri  det          date            dated day/week/month/year...,calendar...

di'o                                at the locus of
sedi'o                              at specific locus
diklo      klo      local           local/confined to locus...

du'a                                given by
sedu'a                              giving gift
dunda  dud     du'a give            give...to...                    

du'i                                as much as (equalled by)
sedu'i                              equal to  (same as 1st?)
dunli  dun     du'i equal           equal to...in/on dimension/property...

du'o                                according to (info source)
sedu'o                              knowing
djuno  jun     ju'o know            know...about...

fa'e                                reverse of
sefa'e                              in reversal of (same as 1st?)
fatne  fat     fa'e reverse         in reverse order from...

fau                                 in the event of (non-causal)
sefau                               happens to (passive case 1)
fasnu          fau  event           event occuring to...            'happen'

ga'a                                to observer
sega'a                              observing
zgana      zga      observe         observe...using...under conditions...

gau                                 with agent
segau                               with event/process/activity
gasnu          gau  do  [new def]   ... is the actor/agent 
                                     in doing event/process/activity ...

ja'e                                therefore result
ja'enai                             nevertheless result (event causal)
seja'e                              results because of  (event causal)
seja'enai                           results despite     (event causal)
jalge  jag     ja'e result          result of...

ja'i                                by rule (by standard 1; see ma'i) 
seja'i                              by rule prescribing
javni      jva      rule            rule prescribing..to..under..

ja'o                                shown by
seja'o                              displaying (event/feature)
teja'o                              witnessed by (audience)
jarco          ja'o show            shows/exhibits/displays...to...

ji'e                                up to limit
seji'e                              as a limit of
jimte  jit          limit           limit of...in domain...

ji'o                                under direction of (control)
seji'o                              controlling
jitro      tro      control         control over/harness...in performance...

ji'u                                based on (assumptions, axioms)
seji'u                              support (from basis)
jicmu      cmu      basis           basis/foundation of...

ka'a                                gone to by
seka'a                              with destination
teka'a                              with origin
veka'a                              via route
xeka'a                              by transport mode
klama      kla      come            come/go to...from...via...using...

ka'i                                represented by
seka'i                              on behalf of
krati          ka'i represent       represent...to...in matter(s)... 'proxy'

kai                                 characterizing
osekai                              with property (quality)
ckaji          kai  quality         have quality/feature/property...

ki'i                                as a relation of (related to)
seki'i                              related to (same as 1st)
teki'i                              with relation
ckini          ki'i related         related to...by relation...   'akin,kin'

ki'u                                because of reason (justified by)
seki'u                              reason therefore (with reason) [??]
seki'unai                           reason nevertheless (despite reason)
ki'unai                             despite reason
krinu  rin     ki'u reason          reason/justification for...(obj./event)

koi                                 bounded by (bordered by)
sekoi                               bordering (bounding)
korbi  kob     koi  edge            edge/margin of...next to...'border,curb'

ku'u                                in culture
seku'u                              in culture of (people)
kulnu  kul klu      culture         culture of people(s)...

la'u                                in quantity (amount)
sela'u                              as a quantity of
klani          lFrom cbmvax!uunet!math.ucla.edu!jimc Wed Jun 12 09:31:24 1991
Return-Path: <cbmvax!uunet!math.ucla.edu!jimc>
From: cbmvax!uunet!math.ucla.edu!jimc
Return-Path: <jimc@math.ucla.edu>
Message-Id: <9106112350.AA26579@euphemia.math.ucla.edu>
To: lojban-list@snark.thyrsus.com
Subject: Response to Six Messages
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 91 16:50:46 +0100

	1.  Seen one way, you need to "lower" sumti, not "raise" them.
	2.  The "sumti - brivla - sumti" phrase form is a major organizing
	    structure for Lojban; the surface structures should avoid
	    burying sumti inaccessibly inside abstract sumti.
	3.  The hidden predicates needed to interpret non-abstract sumti
	    in abstract slots are outrageous.
	4.  A pan-predicatist solution to converted <BAI>.
	5.  The problem with djuno "know" is that people put the wrong
	    sumti in the wrong places.
	6.  The problem of cleft places has not gone away.  (true, but
	    not discussed.)

(msg. 1)  "Sumti raising" is what it's called in NL?  And I have been
assuming that the problem is that the sumti starts out at main level
and has to be "lowered" (by copying, says I) into the subordinate
clause. I have a very bad feeling about emphasis on "sumti raising". 
It sounds like you start with a surface structure with all sumti at
main level. (we're talking about jufra but the same considerations
apply to contained bridi too.)  Now you (lojbab) assume that
transformations magically occur which precipitate sumti into
sub-phrases (abstract sumti or subordinate clauses) not said
explicitly.  Finally, the job of "sumti raising" is to restore the
lowered sumti to main level.  Is this really what you mean?

I would start with the surface structure in which sumti are at the main
level.  Rules defined by the language architect specify
transformations, in which sub-phrases are created and are populated
with main level sumti.  Thus the problem is to "lower", not "raise",
the sumti.  Various design choices can then be made about how to do
these transformations.  For example, I incline  toward cleft places,
such that the subphrase sumti are copies of main level sumti, whereas
other people like uncleft sumti in which main level material is moved,
not copied, to the subphrases.  Similarly, I prefer very specific rules
(cf. diklujvo) for what phrases are created and what material should be
moved, whereas other people are willing to rely on the user's "coai  quantity        quantity of...on scale...

le'a                                in category (scalar set)
sele'a                              as a category of
tele'a                              defined by quality (category)
klesi  les kle lei  class           class/category of...with property...

li'e                                led by
seli'e                              leading
lidne          li'e leader          leader of...in purpose...

ma'i                                in reference frame (by standard 2; cf ja'i)
sema'i                              as a standard for (of reference) [??]
manri  mar          reference       reference frame for observing..w/rules..

mau                                 exceeded by (a greater)
semau                               more than     (relative!)    [??]
semaunai                            not more than (relative!)    [??]
zmadu  zad zma mau  more            exceeds...in property...by amount...

me'a                                undercut by (a lesser)
seme'a                              less than     (relative!)    [??]
seme'anai                           not less than (relative!)    [??]
mleca                lesser         ...is less than ...  [a mekso bridi]

me'e                                with name (requires quote)
seme'e                              as a name for (the named one)
teme'e                              as named by
cmene      cme me'e name            name of...to/used by...

mu'i                                because of motive
semu'i                              motive therefore             [??]
semu'inai                           motive nevertheless
mu'inai                             despite motive
mukti  muk     mu'i purpose         purpose/goal for...(obj./event) 'motive'

mu'u                                exemplified by
semu'u                              as an example of
mupli  mup          example         example of...

ni'i                                logically because    (entailment)
seni'i                              entails therefore
seni'inai                           entails nevertheless (denied entail) [??]
ni'inai                             despite logic        (denied entail)
nibli  nib     ni'i necessitate     necessitate/entail/imply...for rules...

pa'a                                in addition to (parallel)
sepa'a                              paralleling (same as 1st)
panra               parallel        parallel to...in geometry...

pa'u                                having component
sepa'u                              as a part of
pagbu  pag     pau  part            part of whole...

pi'o                                used by
sepi'o                              using tool (instrumental)
pilno      pli      use             use...for...                    'employ'

po'i                                in the sequence (in order)
sepo'i                              sequenced by rules
porsi  por     poi  sequence        (pl.set) sequenced/ordered by rules...

pu'a                                pleased by
sepu'a                              in order to please (for)
pluka  puk     pu'a please          please...by doing/being...

pu'e                                by process  (in manner 1; cf ta'i, tai)
sepu'e                              processing from (inputs)
tepu'e                              processing into (outputs)
vepu'e                              passing through stages
pruce  ruc     ru'e process         process: inputs..outputs..steps/stages..

ra'a                                pertained to by
sera'a                              concerning (pertaining to)
srana          ra'a pertain         pertains/relevant to...       'concerns'

ra'i                                from source
sera'i                              as an origin for
krasi      kra      source          source/start/beginning of...    'origin'

ri'i                                experienced by
seri'i                              experiencing
lifri  lif fri      experience      experience...                     'life'

rai                                 with superlative
serai                               superlative in (property)
terai                               at extreme (superlative)
verai                               superlative among
traji  taj     rai  superlative     superlative in property...     'extreme'

ri'a                                causal because      (phys./mental)
ri'anai                             despite cause       (phys./mental)
seri'a                              causal therefore    (phys./mental) [??]
seri'anai                           causal nevertheless (phys./mental)
rinka  rik     ri'a cause           cause for...under...

sau                                 requiring
sesau                               necessary for (process)
tesau                               necessarily under (conditions 2)
sarcu  sac          necessary       necessary for process...under...

si'u                                aided by (aiding agent)
sesi'u                              assisting in
sidju  sid dju      help            help/assimmon
sense" to fill in ellipsized vacant places or to supply entire

Or perhaps what you meant was, that people are supposed to explicitly
say jufra (or s-bridi?) with abstract sumti arguments, but for various
reasons the sumti buried in the abstract sumti have to appear at main
level -- the problem addressed by -gua!spi retro-replication.  Is this
what you mean?  Retro-replication is needed fairly rarely, but is a
godsend when needed.  

(msg 2)  It looks to me as though gasnu is properly the "generalized
transitive" predicate which in Old Loglan was madzo/makso (from English
"make").  For example:

	le mlatu cu gasnu    le nu le ratcu cu morsi
	the cat  (transitive)      the rat     dead
	The cat kills the rat (makes it dead)

Ask your standard natural language speaker whether "kill" is a unitary
concept that "ought" to be represented by a gismu-like brivla, and he
certainly will say "yes, and the above pile of phrases is a pile of
something else".  In other words, a lujvo "mroygau" is demandest/aid...(obj. or event)  'aid'

ta'i                                having form (like) (in manner 2; cf pu'e)
seta'i                              as a form of
tarmi  tam tra      shape           shape/form of...                  'form'

tai                                 by method (in manner 3; cf pu'e, ta'i)
tai                                 as a method for
tadji               method          method/technique for doing...under...

ti'i                                suggested by
seti'i                              suggesting
stidi  tid     ti'i suggest         suggest/propose idea/action...to...

ti'u                                associated with time (for letters)
seti'u                              at the same time as  (for letters)
tcika               time of day     ..(hours,mins,secs) is time of day..at..

tu'i                                associated with site (for letters)
setu'i                              as a location of
stuzi  tuz stu      site            site/place/location of...     'position'

va'o                                under conditions (conditions 1; cf tesau)
seva'o                              as conditions for (environment)
vanbi  vab          environment     environment/surroundings of... 'ambient'

va'u                                contained by (container)
seva'u                              containing
vasru  vas     vau  contain         contains.../vessel containing...'vessel'

zau                                 approved by
sezau                               approving
zanru  zar     zau  approve         approve plan/action...(obj./event)

zu'e                                with actor (purposed agent)
sezu'e                              purposefully doing
tesu'e                              with goal
zukte  zuk     zu'e act             act/do...with purpose/goal...; entity

d.  Jimc
says that handcrafted lujvo are a dead end and proposes diklujvo -- a
set of rules whereby virtually ALL lujvo and tanru, about 99% by count of
usage in -gua!spi, can be interpreted to transform to a collection of
phrases headed by gismu like the one above.  diklujvo are much more
attractive than requiring people to speak explicitly all the abstract

(back to msg 1)  NL's "I try the door" assumes a default predicate
applying to doors, namely kalri "open", or sometimes ganlo "closed",
depending on complicated context. As you say near (4), there is a lot
of stuff hidden in there.  The situation is reminiscent of the word
"do" for which many objects have an associated behavior, e.g. to "do" a
container means to move typical contents from x2 to x3 (via x4 the
container?  Let's not get sidetracked :-)  

If I get your drift, you ask "what does it mean when a non-abstract
sumti turns up in an abstract slot"?  You say, "hundreds of brivla
include vague default predicates and the listener is supposed to drop
the non-abstract sumti into x1 of the default predicate".  I strongly
recommend that such default predicates be discouraged.  A predicate
should mean THAT PREDICATE, not some other relation contextually
defined via poetic license.  The default predicates are too illogical! 
Particularly, major semantic surgery on the language cannot be
justified by the (negative) utility of interpreting such non-abstract
sumti.  Also, it's common for someone to use a colorful non-abstract
metaphor such as le to'ercnici "the mess" to refer to an event.  How
can you tell whether the speaker wants the default predicate engaged,
or the event referent of the non-abstract metaphor to be used as such? 
More common sense?  I see no option other than to take the user's words
to mean just what he said.

Cowan's (tu'a mi) galfi le bitmu, is being interpreted as (lenu mi
cinta) cu galfi le bitmu.  But this sentence again expands to (lenu mi
preja loi  cinta) cu galfi le bitmu.  YECCH!  All these "unspecified"
predicates that get specified by imagination -- they bother me.  

(msg 2 again) I think you need (gau mi) cu galfi *se* le bitmu, because
galfi x1 is now missing.  I can accept this version much more than I
can accept the other. You mention a distinction between the agent of
change and the event that causes the change.  I agree.  Actually the
current definition of galfi includes separate places for both.  Here it
is with my annotations: "(actor) x1 modifies (cleft object) x2 into
(bridi about x2) x3 by (causative event about x1) x4" where "about"
means that the bridi includes (a copy of) x2 or x1 as one of its sumti
unless common sense ellipsis (or auto-replication) is blocked by
explicit words. 

A comment from John Cowan: infinite precision requires infinite verbosity.
However, by adjusting the rules you can make a given number of words be
more or less precise.  Many of my proposals have been to shift ambiguity
and requirements for verbosity from one area of the language to another,
thereby to make more precise the most common forms.   

(Msg 3)  Alternative #1: Athelstan (?) objects to this line of evolution:

	gau mi galfi le bitmu			(bridi)
	le jai gau galfi be *fi* le bitmu	(similar sumti)

However, this is bogus because the first sentence should have been

	gau mi galfi *fe* le bitmu		(bridi should be)

(since the original x1 is vacant).  So in both situations the user has 
to jump over a place.  The change from fe to fi is simply a consequence
of shifting x1-x5 to x2-x6, presumably a tolerable change.  Assuming you
come up with a placelink for x6.  

Aside-note: In -gua!spi I found that exchange conversion (x1 becomes x4
and x4 becomes x1) was making trouble; a count of instances revealed
that it was quite common to want to put a sumti in the original x1
which is now out in left field.  Thus I changed over to what you call
push-down conversion.  Because the place numbering gets all wacky, I
felt it was necessary for placelinks <FA> to refer to places before
conversion, e.g. in this example "fa" would hit the original x1 even
though it was then the second ordinal case (4th in Lojban).  John Cowan
told me, though, that in Lojban <FA> refers to places after conversion:
"fe" or "fo" in this example.

In any case, I probably like alternative #2 better because it messes up
the place numbering less.  Why bother to restrict JAI+tag from logical
connectives, modals, etc?  The meanings are totally freaky, but like
you say, maybe Nick can come up with a valid use for them.  

Actually, as a pan-predicatist, I would say to use the gismu which the
<BAI> is derived from, with the original main bridi becoming an
abstract sumti of it.  Example: 

	gau mi galfi fe le bitmu	
		The wall was modified by me
	le gasnu be le nu galfi fe le bitmu	
		The actor in the wall modification

This usage is perfectly clear and it savages the language much less
than a conversion for <BAI>.  To my way of thinking, the <BAI> is
actually an abbreviation for a predicate relation on gasnu, which is
not approximately but exactly represented in converted form by the
sumti shown.  

(msg 4)  I find the discussion of djuno "know" together with relative
questions to be rather opaque; I don't exactly see what the issue is. I
agree that the definition of djuno should be something like "x1 knows
(abstract sumti including x3) x2 about x3 (with epistomology or
whatever) x4". I find for diklujvo production that it's more convenient
to exchange x2 with x3: "x1 knows that x2 is (abstract) x3" but that
decision comes a lot later.  

I also recognize that you might want to say "x1 knows (set of facts in
extension) x2" where each fact is an instance of geometry.  In English
you would equivalently say "I know geometry" with "geometry" as x3. 
For logical expression, on the other hand, I would suggest something
like this.  One alternative is the Old Loglan word "spuro" meaning
"competent", which I don't find an equivalent for in the gismu list. 
However, it has to be interpreted as "x1 is competent to do (abstract
sumti containing x1)" and thus has the same semantic problems.  What
you really want to do is define "geometry" or other areas of knowledge
or competence in this form: "(abstract sumti) x1 is a fact / action /
etc. of (whatever field)".  Thus: saske = "x1 is a scientific fact
...(possible other places)".  Then "I know science" gets translated as

    mi djuno le saske       I know something (cued by the word) scientific
    mi djuno so'a lo saske  I know lots of scientific facts

The events which are x1 occupants of saske are being correctly placed
in djuno x2 which takes such events.  (Of course competence in using
the stuff is important too -- an opportunity for a parallel diklujvo.
Also science is as much a process as a set of facts so the above
definition needs tinkering, but the basic form will remain with an
abstract sumti in x1.) 

Thus the difficulty is not in djuno, but in saske!  I think the other
examples are similar in that the problem is not with djuno, or with
cleft / uncleft places, but with constructing the sumti used in djuno.

(msg 6)  An aside: in words for works of art, I have found it convenient
to include a place for both the author and the performer.  I had not
previously appreciated that speaker, author and performer might need to
have separate <BAI>'s, but now I'm convinced.  

		-- jimc