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real simple stuff

David Cortesiresponds to my critique of his sentence.  I'm not going to go
into whether or not Lojban words should have broader meanings now, I just
want to comment on one thing he said, about "le remi zdani"

>Well, shoot.. "two kind-of me kind-of nest" was *exactly* the intent;
>it's charming. Sorry to hear it don't work.

Well, it worked in that it's grammatical (i'm almost sure) and colloquial
and certainly a good way to say what you want; I was just kicking around
other ways.  I always liked to think of the "le KOhA BRODA" form as sort of
a tanru, but that's not what it is.  "le mi cukta" is "officially" expanded
to "le cukta pe mi" (the book restrictievely-associated-with me).  you can
get a tanru out of it using "me", which converts sumti into selbri.  I'm
going to drop the "re" again, not because I'm being a pain, but because I'm
not positive what it does to the grammar.  You could have "le me mi zdani"
(the me-ish nest), f'rinstance.  I'm not positive what the "re" does. but
there's always "le remei me mi zdani" (the {pairish me/us}-type-of nest).
"le zdani be remi" is also okay, though I'm not positive if it means "the
nest of us two" or "the nest of two of us".
