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BAIbo grammar

I am confused about the use of tags (sumti tcita) in contexts other than

I recall the following exposition in one of the textbook lessons:

        ba le fasnu mi klama            After the event, I go
        baku mi klama                   After (something unspecified), I
                                        go - Afterwards, I go
        mi ba klama                     I after-the-current-reference-
                                        point go
Not in that exposition, but consistently:
        babo mi klama                   Then/next, I go

I therefore want to construct this paradigm:

        ki'u le fasnu mi klama          Because of the event, I go
        ki'uku mi klama                 Because (of something unspecified),
                                        I go - Therefore I go
        mi ki'u klama                   I because of the-currently-
                                        assumed-situation go - So I go
        ki'ubo mi klama                 So I go.

But I observe various people using "seri'abo" and "seni'ibo" to mean
"therefore", and not "because".

                        What's going on?
