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Nick's joke

I'm very proud to say that I got the joke without looking at a single word
list even *once*.  I'm less proud to say why:  I understood a fair number
of the words, from which I recalled the joke, and from there I could make
out all the others.  But I think I wound up understanding nearly every word
by the time I was done.  Comments:

     ru'azo'o loire jvixi'a casnu vi lo xalgusta

{loire} implies that there are *only* two racehorses in the world, doesn't
it?  Like {lo ci remna} where {ci [lo ro] remna} would be better?  Probably
just use {leire} or something.  Could you use {re jvixi'a}, or do you
really need the "mass"?  Oh, and you need a {cu} before {casnu}.

Very understandable on the whole.  Didn't know that about the Korean
joke-telling style; most informative.
