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Re: pinka be zoi py. A small Christmas/New Year/Kwanzaa gift to the

la .andruc. cusku di'e

> > .i la djekpel. poi cmalu
> > cu prami la pyf. noi mlimabla ku'o
> What actually does mabla mean?
>  ?? [ mi mabla = I am a derogative connotation of something ]
> It doesn't make an awful lot of sense to me except in a lujvo as malglico,
> maljatna etc.

Should have been mliselmabla, a mildly-derogated thing; the English is "rascal".

> > .i lo zerle'a bloti cu nitmu'u le lanci
> [ nitmu'u ] seems to mean "beneath move" when I expect you need something
> more like [ dizmu'u = dizlo muvdu ]

Correct.  "dizmu'u" it is.

> > .i lo cu'urcrida roroi jmive
> Wouldn't [ vitnyji'e = vitno jmive ] do for [ roroi jmive ] here ?


> > .i lo crino kapsle cu carvi
> What's [ kapsle ] mean ? I can't get my head round a skin server.

"sle" is "selci" not "selfu".  It means "scale".

Further note:  I concede that "cu'urcrida" is wrong for "dragon".  I now
favor "sicycrida".

John Cowan      cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!cbmvax!snark!cowan
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.