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Re: TECH: grammar updates

la kolin. cusku di'e

> It seems to me then that
>         da jai broda
> is equivalent to
>         tu'a da broda

I agree.

> ta'o I had always read 'jenca' as meaning a physical shock, not an emotional
> one.

I'm not sure that this is a genuine difference.  In some ways, what happens
to an organism when too much current passes through it is not that different
from what happens to a (sentient) organism when it hears bad news --
both are "physical".  I take it that the essential point is that x2 be
an organism and not a wall or whatnot.

> It's a bit like 'sarji' which has long been used in both a figurative and
> a literal sense. (cf your mail footer)

Here the difference is probably in the x3 place.  The force against which
Lojban is being supported is indifference (or the like) rather than gravity.

> > 7)      le su'u la .iecuas. kuctra selcatra
>                                               KEI


John Cowan      cowan@snark.thyrsus.com         ...!uunet!lock60!snark!cowan
                        e'osai ko sarji la lojban.