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Re: TECH: grammar updates

la djan. cusku di'e

> Probably true.  However, I await your lujvo for "battery", as per Nick's
> concerns: a battery is a {sorcu}, but doesn't need a location; it is a
> {sorcu be fo ne'e}.

Point taken. My immediate response is to wonder whether 'sorcu' should have
the location as a tergismu: batteries are not the only kind of portable
sorcu. (What about a tool-box?)

Pragmatically, you have convinced me that ne'e is worth having. But it is
yet another in the list of things that pe'i need a large red health warning
saying "ko denpa fi lepu'e camjundi pensi lonu pilno ti"
('Think very hard before using this')
> BTW, I just noticed that an alternative to {ne'e} for this use would be {zi'a}
> {zi'i}, {zi'o}, or {zi'u}, all recently freed with the abolition of ziheks.
> These would have the advantage of sharing an initial letter with {zo'e} and
> {zu'i}.  Comments?
"zi'u" would be best, as a kind of inverse of "zu'i"
