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TEXT.REV: le nolraixli nega'u le dembi
At last I've got round to revising the Princess and the Pea. I've corrected
some errors (and parsed it too!), and accepted some of the suggestions from
others. Some of the forms of expression I would not say the same way now,
but I have left them except where they really are not what I want to say.
So the result is something of a hybrid of my style of a year ago and my
style now.
For those who did not see it originally: I trnalsated the text from the
Danish, and I made the English from the same source.
lu le nolraixli nega'u le dembi li'u
cmene di'e noi se finti
la xans. krIstian. Andrsn
lisri le nolrainanla goi ko'a .i ko'a djica lo nolraixli .i ri mulno
beloka nolraixli be'o gi'o se zanru ko'a .isemu'ibo ko'a fe'eroroi litru
gi'e sisku pa go'i .iku'i roroi nabmi .i sa'e ge lo nolraixli cu
raumei .ia gi loniri nolraixli ku ko'a na se birti .uu .i roroiku
le no'e drani vau .i ko'a ki'u seizdakla gi'e badri lenu na'epu'i cpacu
lo nolraixli mulno
ni'o pa vanci ki cu jaica ke selte'a viltcima .i lindi joi savru joi
carvi joi camcilce .i zo'e darxi le ta'uvro .ile so'irnanca nolraitru
ki'u minde lenu le vorme cu karbi'o .i le bartu cu nolraixli
.i ri selkecmlu .uuse'inai ri'a lo carvi .e lo xlali viltcima
.i mo'ini'a flecu lo djacu vi le kerfa .e le taxfu .i flecu ji'a pa'o
le cutci file cucti'e le cucyzbi tosa'a pamoi pinka toi .i cusku
fara ledu'u ra nolraixli mulno
ni'o lu .ue .i cipra .ai li'u se sezycu'u le so'irnanca truspe goi fo'e .ije
ri bacru noda ku'i gi'e klama le sipku'a gi'e vimcu role ckabukpu
gi'e punji le pa dembi le ckazbe .ijebabo fo'e cpacu reno vresaikicne
gi'e cpana punji ri le dembi .ipa'aku reno datkypi'u gacykicne co'a
cpana le sairkicne .i rogo'i se vreta le nolraixli goi fo'a ca'o le nicte
ni'o co'i le cerna cu preti fofo'a feleli'i fo'a capu sipna ge'ekau
.i lu .oicairo'o seisa'a selcu'u befo'a .i mi su'eso'uroi .uu ganga'i
le kanla ca'o piro le nicte .i ma? za'anai pausai nenri le ckana
.i mi puca'o vreta le raktu jdari .i piro lemi xadni ri'a bunre joi blanu
.i to'e zdile .oisai li'u
.i seni'ibo co'i djuno ledu'u fo'a nolraixli je'a mulno ki'u lenu fo'a fi le
reno sairkicne kujo'u le reno gacykicne cu ganse fele dembi .i lo ckaji
loka ganse du'ila'edi'u cu nolraixli mulno ju'o
ni'o le nolrainanla goi ko'a co'a speni fo'a .i ko'a seki'u djuno
ledu'u vo'a kansa le mulno beloka nolraixli .i le dembi ba se punji
fi la larkumfa tosa'a remoi pinka toi .i caji'a go'i .ijo noda capu
lebna .iacu'i
ni'o di'u jetnu lisri .uo .ui
ni'oni'o di'e pinka
.i pamai le lujvo po'u zo cucyzbi cu satci te fanva fezoidy. Naesen paa
Skoen dy. .i mi nelci ledi'u bangrdanska tanru
.i remai tu'e la larkumfa po'u la'o dy. Kunstkammeret dy. cu ga'orbi'o
cale nanca beli pabirepa gi'eseri'abo ca'a teke carmi
morji cazu le lisri .i le'i ca'a jmaji noi selzda le to'ercitno ke nolraitru c
kuso'u dinju
cu selcmi so'i vrici nemu'u lo prucedra lisri kuce lo nairske lisri kuce lo
rarske cizra
tu'u .i di'u se krasi le pinka nebau la dansk. fola
xans. briks. jo'u la .anker. iensn.
nolraixli - nobli traji nixli
nolrainanla - nobli traji nanla
seizdakla - sevzi zdani klama
selte'a - se terpa
viltcima - vlile tcima
camcilce - carmi cilce
ta'uvro - tcadu vorme
nolraitru - nobli traji turni
karbi'o - kanri binxo
selkecmlu - se kecti simlu
cucti'e - cutci trixe
cucyzbi - cutci nazbi
sezycu'u - sevzi cusku
truspe - turni speni
sipku'a - sipna kumfa
ckabukpu - ckana bukpu
ckazbe - ckana zbepi
vresaikicne - vreta sarji kicne
datkypi'u - datka pimlu
gacykicne - gacri kicne
sairkicne - sarji kicne
selcu'u - se cusku
larkumfa - larte kumfa
ga'orbi'o - ganlo binxo
selzda - se zdani
ckuso'u - cukta sorcu
selcmi - se cmima
prucedra - purci cedra
nairske - natmi saske
rarske - rarna saske
My translation follows:
The Princess on the Pea
There was once a prince, who wanted a princess for himself, but she had
to be a real princess. So he went all round the world trying to find one,
but there was always some hindrance: there were plenty of princesses,
but whether they were *real* princesses, he could never be sure - there
was always something that wasn't quite right. So he went home and was sad,
because he so much wanted a genuine princess.
One evening there was a frightful storm. There was lightning and thunder,
the rain poured down, it was dreadful! There was a knocking on the town
gate, and the old king ordered it opened.
It was a princess standing outside. But God how she looked in the rain
and the storm! The water ran down her hair and her clothes, and went
in at the toes of her shoes and out at the heels. And she said she
was a real princess.
"We'll see about that!" thought the old queen, but she said nothing.
She went to the bedroom, took off all the bedclothes, and put a pea
on the base of the bed. Then she took twenty matresses and put them
on top of the pea, and then twenty eiderdowns on top of the mattresses.
And that's where the princess was to lie that night.
In the morning, they asked her how she had slept.
"Oh, terribly!", said the princess. "I hardly closed my eyes the whole
night! God knows what there was in the bed! I was lying on something
hard, and I'm black and blue everywhere! It's quite horrible!"
So they could see that she was a real princess, since she had felt
the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty quilts. Nobody but a
real princess could be that sensitive.
The prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a
real princess, and the pea was put into the Kunstkammer, where
it is still to be seen, if nobody has taken it away.
You see, it's a true story!
Note (from Blix & Jensen):
The Kunstkammer ("art chamber") closed in 1821 and was therefore
fresh in memory at the time of the tale. The collection was housed
in the old Royal Library, and contained many different things: old
sagas, ethnographic tales, curiosities of natural history, and so on.