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TECH: only, 'me'

John Cowan reports:
Lojbab proposed a discursive (selma'o UI) for "only", since we have so much
trouble expressing this handy notion predicatewise.  I agree, and propose
"exceptionally" as an alternative interpretation.  This produces a set
of five contrary discursives:

        ku'i:   by contrast, but, however
        ji'a:   additionally, furthermore
        si'a:   similarly
        mi'u:   in parallel, ditto
        xu'o:   exceptionally, uniquely, only

I am very ambivalent about this. THe repeated difficulty we have had with
'only' does indeed suggest that there is something missing; but the
difficulty we have had analysing what, suggests that either something is
broken, or 'only' is such a procrustean word that every use is different.

There may be a place for "xu'o", but I want to see lot of examples, and
I beg that 'only' not be the keyword for it.  I have noticed a lot of
"ku'i" where I cannot see the contrast, and suspect a mechanical translation
of 'but': I would fear the same for "xu'o".

At least some uses of 'only' are attributive - the only person who ... and
so on. Usinga discursive for this is fudging the issue.

As for the place structure and meaning of 'me', I am now thoroughly confused.
I believed the place structure was John's 3:

3)      x1 pertains to <the sumti> in aspect x2

And thought he was advocating maintaining this.

But Bob's response has confused me. He says that the place structure is
John's suggestions, but then goes on to argue with John. I don't know where
we are.
