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My copy of the gismu list has the following:

munje    x1 is a universe of domain/sphere x2 governed by rules x3

I am not sure that I understand what goes into the "domain/sphere" and
"governed by rules" slots.

Is the domain slot so that one can say something like "the world of
cooking" or "the world of music"?  This seems a little a little idiomatic.
Or is "universe" here a technical term from Set Theory?

I suppose the third position would usually be filled with an elided zo'e,
but are there circumstances where a speaker would want to specify the
rules.  It seems like such a chore to have to understand the complete set
of physical laws which operate in our universe in order to fill the third

Richard Schroeder

The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of TSRI or its
funding agencies.