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John Hodges on "Why Lojban?"

After reading the essay, I feel urged to identify myself as one who:

(1) Does not believe that war, peace, conflict or cooperation have
anything to do with language, and for this reason dismisses the moral
crusade set out by Esperanto as well as a kajillion of other conlangs
as totally misguided.  Setting such goals on the Lojban agenda would
mean expecting certain political views to be held by all of the
population of Lojbanistan, which would be destructive to the Effort;

(2) Has no warm feelings towards Esperanto, whilst at the same time
acknowledges its appeal for many people.  I have read and spoken it;
but I dislike it, and I wouldn't have anyone expected to learn it.

(3) Sees well-functioning, cheap, portable T-boxes for travellers as a
matter of some very distant future, if not altogether fictional entities.
That's what my exposure to the area of machine translation tells me.

(4) Is very fond of Lojban as a mind-expander.

Does anyone think with me on these subjects?


PS--I love the idea of the elephant cover and logo.  Count my vote in favour.