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Re: how to say

Rick Morneau says:
It seems to me that, in the sentence "I look through the window", the
agent "I" is really using the window as an instrument. Consider a
similar sentence:

     I looked at the crowd through/with/using a telescope.

Obviously, "with" must be used in its instrumental sense, rather than
in its other English senses (accompaniment, manner, etc). Thus, I
think the proper way to translate the original sentence would be as
if you were trying to say:

     I look using the window.
     I look with the window.

The French equivalent is instructive:

     Je regarde par la  fenetre.
     I  look    by  the window

That would be an obvious way of handling it, and did indeed occur to me (mi
catlu sepi'o le canko); but I do not think that is the meaning of the phrase.

'Looking through a window' is NOT the same as 'looking through a telescope'.
Consider 'looking through a momentary gap between passers-by'.

 However, I long ago gave up trying to come up with EXACT translations
between different languages. If you develop a conlang that can
precisely capture all the subtleties of your native language, then
all you'll succeed in doing is to create a clone of your native
language. The best you can hope for is to make your conlang as
flexible as possible so that it can capture as many subtleties as

Indeed. But what makes the activity of Lojban so interesting to me is the way
it encourages me to think hard about what I mean. If it were simply a matter
of 'EXACT translations' between different languages, then I would expect
'look through a telescope' and 'look through a window' to be translated
identically. However, I don't do that - I look behind the English phrase and
try to extract a more fundamental meaning that I can map onto the resources
of Lojban.

Incidentally, I don't agree that the French example is instructive. French
'par' happens to cover both instrument and route/channel, but so what?

There's a monkey on my shoulder   | Colin Fine
        and it's telling me lies      |  Dept of Computing
Just to stop me ever seeing       |   University of Bradford
    what's in front of my eyes.   |    Bradford, W. Yorks, England
It tells me what the world is like|      BD7 1DP
    and how I ought to be,        | Tel: 0274 733680 (h), 383915 (w)
And just what's gonna happen      |   c.j.fine@bradford.ac.uk
    if I ever dare be me.         | 'Morris dancers do it with bells on'