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06/01/93 Lojban baseline rafsi list part 1 of 5
This list is in the public domain. However, we ask that this header be
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For information about the artificial language Loglan/Lojban, please
contact The Logical Language Group, Inc. (LLG). We ask that you
provide a paper-mail address as well as an email address if appropriate
The LLG is funded solely by your contributions, which are encouraged for
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Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA 703-385-0273
email: lojbab@grebyn.com
1. long-form rafsi for gismu are derived directly from the gismu-form:
the gismu itself for final position, and the gismu with final vowel
replaced by 'y' for non-final position; cmavo have no long-form rafsi.
As you will note below, many gismu have no short-form rafsi and must use
the long forms in both initial and final positions.
2. any cmavo or other word may be incorporated into a lujvo
independently of the rafsi system using the cmavo "zei":
'any-word' zei 'any-word' forms a brivla
3. All forms of lujvo built out of exactly the same component
words/rafsi have identical meanings. There is no stigma attached to use
of long forms, which can be especially useful when your audience is not
familiar with the rafsi, and is not likley to be looking up words in a
word-list. Long-forms also may be preferred to guessing when you are
too lazy to use a list yourself, and you suspect that your audience WILL
be using one - there is nothing like trying to interpret a lujvo when
the unambiguously resolved components resolve into something totally
4. There are rules for building lujvo-forms that are fairly simple. The
lujvo-making algorithm is given at the end of this document.
cmavo CVC CCV CVV English keyword
bacru ba'u utter
badna banana
badri dri sad
bajra baj run
bakfu baf bundle
bakni bak bovine
bakri chalk
baktu bucket
balji bulb
balni balcony
balre ba'e blade
balvi bav future
bancu bac beyond
bandu bad defend
banfi amphibian
bangu ban bau language
banli bal ba'i great
banro ba'o grow
banxa bax bank
banzu baz suffice
bapli bap bai force
barda bra big
bargu bag arch
barja bar
barna ba'a mark
bartu bar out
basna emphasize
basti bas replace
batci bat bite
batke button
bavmi barley
baxso Malay-Indonesian
bebna beb foolish
bemro bem be'o North American
bende bed be'e crew
bengo beg Bengali
benji bej be'i transfer
bersa bes be'a son
berti ber north
besna ben brain
betfu bef be'u abdomen
betri bet tragedy
bevri bev bei carry
bi biv 8
bi'i biz unordered interval
bidju bead
bifce bic bee
bikla bik whip
bilga big obliged
bilma bi'a ill
bilni bil military
bindo bid Indonesian
binra insure
binxo bix bi'o become
birje beer
birka bir arm
birti bit certain
bisli bis ice
bitmu bim bi'u wall
blabi lab white
blaci glass
blanu bla blue
bliku bli block
bloti lot blo lo'i boat
bo bor short scope link
bolci bol boi ball
bongu bog bo'u bone
botpi bot bo'i bottle
boxfo bof bo'o sheet
boxna bon bo'a wave
bradi enemy
bratu hail
brazo raz Brazilian
bredi red bre ready
bridi bri predicate
brife bif bi'e breeze
briju bij office
brito rit British
broda rod predicate var 1
brode bo'e predicate var 2
brodi predicate var 3
brodo predicate var 4
brodu predicate var 5
bruna bun bu'a brother
bu bus bu'i word to lerfu
bu'a bul some selbri 1
budjo buj bu'o Buddhist
bukpu buk bu'u cloth
bumru bum fog
bunda bud pound
bunre bur bu'e brown
burcu bru brush
burna embarrassed
ca'a caz actually is
cabna cab now
cabra ca'a apparatus
cacra hour
cadzu dzu walk
cafne caf often
cakla chocolate
calku cak shell
canci vanish
cando cad idle
cange cag farm
canja caj exchange
canko ca'o window
canlu cal ca'u space
canpa cna shovel
canre can sand
canti gut
carce cart
carmi cam cai intense
carna car turn
cartu cat chart
carvi cav rain
casnu snu discuss
catke ca'e shove
catlu cta look
catni ca'i authority
catra kill
caxno cax shallow
ce cec in a set with
ce'i cez percent
ce'o ce'o in a sequence with
cecla cel ce'a launcher
cecmu cem ce'u community
cedra era
cenba cne vary
censa ces holy
centi cen .01
cerda ced heir
cerni cer morning
certu cre expert
cevni cev cei god
cfari cfa initiate
cfika fik fi'a fiction
cfila cfi flaw
cfine wedge
cfipu fi'u confusing
ci cib 3
ciblu blu blood
cicna cyan
cidja dja food
cidni cid knee
cidro dro hydrogen
cifnu cif infant
cigla cig gland
cikna cik awake
cikre repair
ciksi cki explain
cilce cic wild
cilmo cim moist
cilre cli learn
cilta cil thread
cimde dimension
cimni infinite
cinba kiss
cindu oak
cinfo lion
cinje cij wrinkle
cinki insect
cinla thin
cinmo cni emotion
cinri ci'i interesting
cinse cin sexual
cinta paint
cinza tongs
cipni cpi bird
cipra cip test
cirko cri lose
cirla cheese
ciska ci'a write
cisma smile
ciste ci'e system
citka cti eat
citno cit ci'o young
citri cir history
citsi season
civla civ louse
cizra ciz strange
ckabu rubber
ckafi kaf coffee
ckaji kai quality
ckana cka bed
ckape cap peril
ckasu cas ridicule
ckeji kej cke ashamed
ckiku kik key
ckilu ci'u scale
ckini ki'i related
ckire kir grateful
ckule kul cu'e school
ckunu ku'u conifer
cladu lau loud
clani cla long
claxu cau without
clika mossy
clira lir early
clite lit polite
cliva liv li'a leave
clupa cup loop
cmaci mathematics
cmalu cma small
cmana ma'a mountain
cmavo ma'o structure word
cmene cme me'e name
cmila mi'a laugh
cmima mim cmi member
cmoni cmo co'i moan
cnano na'o norm
cnebo neb ne'o neck
cnemu nem ne'u reward
cnici nic orderly
cnino nin ni'o new
cnisa nis lead
cnita nit ni'a beneath
co col tanru inversion
co'a co'a initiative
co'e com co'e unspecif bridi
co'u co'u cessative
cokcu cko soak up
condi con cno coi deep
cortu cor cro pain
cpacu cpa get
cpana upon
cpare par climb
cpedu cpe request
cpina pungent
cradi radio
crane cra front
creka cek shirt
crepu rep harvest
cribe rib bear
crida rid fairy
crino ri'o green
cripu rip bridge
crisa cis summer
critu autumn
ctaru tide
ctebi teb lip
cteki tek ce'i tax
ctile petroleum
ctino ti'o shadow
ctuca ctu teach
cukla cuk round
cukta cku book
culno clu full
cumki cum cu'i possible
cumla cul humble
cunmi millet
cunso cun cu'o random
cuntu cu'u affair
cupra pra produce
curmi cru let
curnu cur worm
curve cuv pure
cusku cus sku express
cutci cuc shoe
cutne cut chest
cuxna cux cu'a choose
da dav dza something 1
da'a daz all except
dacru dac drawer
dacti dai object
dadjo daj Taoist
dakfu dak knife
dakli sack
damba dab da'a fight
damri drum
dandu dad hang
danfu daf answer
danlu dal da'u animal
danmo dam smoke
danre da'e pressure
dansu dance
danti dan projectile
daplu plu island
dapma dap curse
dargu dag road
darlu dau argue
darno dar da'o far
darsi audacity
darxi dax da'i hit
daski pocket
dasni das wear
daspo spo destroy
dasri sri ribbon
datka duck
datni data
decti dec .1
degji deg finger
dejni dej owe
dekpu gallon
dekto dek 10
delno del de'o candela
dembi deb bean
denci den de'i tooth
denmi dem dense
denpa dep de'a wait
dertu der de'u dirt
derxi dre heap
desku des shake
detri det date
dicra dir interrupt
dikca dic electric
diklo klo local
dikni dik regular
dilcu quotient
dilnu dil cloud
dimna dim fate
dinju dij di'u building
dinko nail
dirba dib dear
dirce di'e radiate
dirgo dig di'o drop
dizlo diz dzi low
djacu jac jau water
djedi dje dei full day
djica dji desire
djine jin ring
djuno jun ju'o know
do don doi you
donri dor do'i daytime
dotco dot do'o German
draci drama
drani dra correct
drata dat other
drudi rud dru roof
du dub du'o same identity as
du'u dum bridi abstract
dugri dug logarithm
dukse dus du'e excess
dukti dut opposite
dunda dud du'a give
dunja duj freeze
dunku duk du'u anguish
dunli dun du'i equal
dunra dur winter
dzena dze elder
dzipo zip zi'o Antarctican
facki fak fa'i discover
fadni fad ordinary
fagri fag fire
falnu fan sail
famti aunt or uncle
fancu function
fange alien
fanmo fam fa'o end
fanri factory
fanta prevent
fanva translate
fanza faz annoy
fapro fap pro oppose
farlu fal fa'u fall
farna far fa'a direction
farvi fav develop
fasnu fau event
fatci fac fact
fatne fat fa'e reverse
fatri fai distribute
febvi feb boil
femti fem 1E-15
fendi fed divide
fengu feg fe'u angry
fenki fek crazy
fenra fer fe'a crack
fenso fen fe'o sew
fepni fep fei cent
fepri lung
ferti fre fertile
festi fes waste
fetsi fet fe'i female
figre fig fig
filso fis Palestinian
finpe fip fi'e fish
finti fin fi'i invent
flalu fla law
flani flute
flecu fle flow
fliba fli fail
flira fir face
fo'a fo'a it-6
fo'e fo'e it-7
fo'i fo'i it-8
foldi flo foi field
fonmo fom fo'o foam
fonxa fon telephone
forca fro fork
fraso fas French
frati fra react
fraxu fax forgive
frica fic differ
friko fi'o African
frili fil easy
frinu fraction
friti fit offer
frumu fru frown
fukpi fuk fu'i copy
fulta ful flu float
funca fun fu'a luck
fusra fur rotten
fuzme fuz fu'e responsible